Driving test candidates could benefit from a more local service as the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) carries out a trial exploring a new approach to test delivery.
However, as of early 2009 there are no ongoing clinical trials further exploring ciclosporin's utility in asthma; in part, this may be a consequence of sporadic efficacy and side-effects (from oral use) in a condition that is historically managed by steroids.
Plans to take driving tests closer to candidates Driving test candidates could benefit from a more local service as DSA carries out a trial exploring a new approach to test .
Clinical trials exploring adjuvant therapy after control of the primary tumor with standard therapy are especially appropriate because of the higher rate of treatment failure in this group.
A trial exploring the effect of NS-2359 on cocaine-experienced individuals is currently ongoing.
About 40 clinical trials now exploring effectiveness in different patient groups and in combination with other drugs.
Such patients should be considered candidates for clinical trials exploring the usefulness of new biologicals or antitumor drugs (phase I and II studies) or combinations of existing drugs, radiosensitizers, and radiation therapy.
Hardy is Principal Investigator of a multicenter clinical trial exploring a combination of two immunosuppressant drugs, sirolimus and tacrolimus (CUMC 2007 Kidney).