The six-month trial, known as Operation Tornado, is seen as a dry run for legislation which could be introduced next year.
In 1692, Winifred's mother also appeared at a preliminary trial infamously known as the Salem Witch Trials.
A trial on the constitutionality of the measure, known as Amendment 2, is expected to be held later this year.
An E.B.T. is an examination before trial, better known as a deposition.
This new assize did away with the old form of trial known as "compurgation" in accusations brought by the grand jury.
A series of trials known as the Bloody Assizes took place to punish the rebels.
He was also involved in the trial known as the JetCorp fiasco.
At these trials, later known as the "Bloody Assizes", Jeffreys issued harsh sentences to nearly all defendants.
In the series of trials known as the Rajk case, altogether 15 people were executed and 78 other people were sentenced to prison.
Thereafter, several trials known as the Moscow Trials were held, but the procedures were replicated throughout the country.