The school is located on a small hill and comprises two blocks, a parade square, a netball court, a basketball court and a triangular field.
On the left was a white circle on a red triangular field, and five green and white stripes running horizontally.
When the flag is completely folded, only a triangular blue field of stars should be visible.
The colour scheme and pattern changed as well, with a triangular white field standing for peace.
In the battle for control of the triangular field, the 124th New York lost 28 men killed, 57 wounded, and 5 missing.
In the triangular field at each gable end is a "king-post", supporting the end of the ridgepole.
"It'll take time for you to lay out a triangular field," my mentor shrugged.
They had relief sculpture for decorative friezes, and sculpture in the round to fill the triangular fields of the pediments.
That target was a small, triangular field, about 500 metres long, with the base on the south, the tip near the south-east end of the canal bridge.
Five hundred yards north east from William Perkin's dye factory was a triangular field in which he kept horses.