The ramjets under the triangular wing were almost as big as some of the military ships on the field.
One tip of the triangular major wing curled up where it had stabbed against rock-hard ice.
The triangular wings are white to greenish-white with black longitudinal stripes.
The missile has a distinctive bulging nose and four clipped triangular wings.
The black fabric of its simple triangular wing was catching a breeze now, thrumming with it.
And when the town's main buildings were connected by lines, an unusual picture emerged of two outspread, triangular wings.
Between the leaflets there are triangular wings giving each pair a rhomboid outline.
I didn't see them until they got out of the sun: two military-looking aircraft with triangular wings.
Ten feet across from one tip of its triangular wing to the other, the abomination was thin, almost flat.
The plan of the tower is based upon a square, with triangular wings extending from opposite sides.