Volatile and savage, evidently viewing war as glorious sport, their successes might make them sloppy or overconfident-preferably both-with a large dose of regional or tribal claims to superiority thrown in.
Members should be chosen based on tribal territorial claims, creating geographically based representation rather than the old method of specifying which tribes can have ex officio members in the House.
Senator Dodd said he would also propose a law to change the bureau's recognition process to make it more responsive to states and towns that would be affected by tribal claims.
The Third, Sixth, Eighth, and Tenth Circuits, since Sherrill, have declined to reach the question of the scope of laches as a defense to ancient tribal claims.
The colonial government recognized the tribal claim and so all land west of Lycoming Creek was considered Native American and off bounds for settlement.
After his tribal claims were found to be false, Long Lance was dropped by social circles.
Congress saw settlement of tribal claims against the United States as a necessary step to rid the government of its responsibilities for the tribes.
In 1964, in response to an of appeal the tribal claim, the United States Court of Claims ruled the tribe had been underpaid, and awarded them $692, 564.14.
As chief, he wanted first and foremost to reconstruct the tribal government and renew tribal claims against the US federal government.
"People in Tacoma have demonstrated there is an alternative" to endless court battles over tribal claims, he said.