The special status afforded Native Americans has led to other questions on a state, local, and tribal level.
Find information about plans and response activity at the state, local, and tribal level.
Political and traditional leaders at the state and tribal level were replaced by Arab candidates closer to the government.
You might be able to stretch to 200 or 400, but no, you can't effectively engage at a tribal level with a thousand people.
An organised reconciliation process began at the tribal level in the early 2000.
Social behavior has sunk to a basic, tribal level.
Specific local circumstances, down to the clan, tribal and neighborhood level, can spark or contribute to the friction.
Everyone has a role to play, and success will require coordination and collaboration at the Federal, state, local, and tribal levels.
Each tribe has a hierarchy of councils at the village, range, and tribal levels dealing with local disputes.
"This is now a tool for every officer to fight this problem on the tribal level."