In fact the same voters that have been following their tribal parties for the last 100 odd years.
What is amazing is that these smaller tribal parties are likely to get more than half the seats in the next parliament.
I read in your article the statement that underground tribal parties are seen as "a safe and welcoming environment" where, oh by the way, many attendees consume hallucinogens.
In many cases, because the medals were distributed to significant members of tribal parties, the medals became sought after symbols of power and influence within Native American tribes.
The Nikhil Utkal Adivasi Congress is a tribal political party in the Indian state of Odisha.
Xumu selected a tribal party to carry the rubber to trade, one chunk per man.
With some purchased utility goods, he returned to the waiting tribal party.
In May 2001 he called on the Independent National Electoral Commission to restore the two-party system to avoid the possibility of emergnce of tribal parties.
Case in point is the so called tribal political parties are owned and supported by a specific clan.
Dr. Bashardost has no affiliations with any tribal, military or political party.