In all, the tribal representatives feel this was a productive introduction and that the consultation went well.
As of February 26, 2010, tribal representatives are turning attention to raising awareness about the reservation's damaged water infrastructure.
Instead, tribal representatives said, the Onondagas want a declaratory judgment saying the land, which they consider ancestral territory, was taken illegally.
Members of the governor's staff have met with tribal representatives in recent weeks, and a state official said that Mr. Pataki was reviewing the matter.
The Kingdom's most prominent tribal representatives carried a large majority of the seats.
Some tribal representatives criticized Fenton for failing to return artifacts.
State and tribal representatives will be notified before shipments of spent nuclear fuel enter their jurisdictions.
This restriction as to eligibility for services was a condition which tribal representatives agreed to at the time in order to achieve recognition as Indians.
And that was one of the factors that even during the Turkish organized as a tribe with tribal representatives.
"She got as many perspectives as are out there - not only in terms of scholarship but also from the tribal representatives themselves."