Since those years, tribal nations have increasingly insisted on community-based schools and have also founded numerous tribally controlled colleges.
Already, tensions have developed between some executives at tribally controlled phone companies and potential competitors.
So how is a tribally controlled company expected to survive in an age of rampant consolidation?
Economic revitalization and self-determination among native Americans is being fueled by the 27 tribally controlled colleges throughout the Midwest and West, most on reservations.
The tribe has founded the Turtle Mountain Community College, one of numerous tribally controlled colleges in the United States.
It is one of 34 tribally controlled colleges nationwide.
FBCC is tribally controlled by a Board of Directors, which consist of seven members.
Nebraska Indian Community College and other tribally controlled community colleges thus became eligible for direct funding from the federal government as land grant institutions.
The tribally controlled Indian colleges: the beginnings of self determination in American Indian education.
Last year, more than 4,400 students were enrolled in the tribally controlled colleges, up from 1,689 students in 1981.