When two tribes come across each other, they either pass by or meet for a symbolic fight.
Yet it was here that the tribes came for the Gathering.
If just an Indian tribe were coming to play, it would be an occasion.
The tribe had not long since come into this land, and he was the first ever to set foot upon that lonely beach.
The other small tribes of the Bafia region came at later times.
I could remain here for a month, and the whole tribe of the Ticunas would come to me to have their hair looked after!
When she told her story to the rest of the clefts, the two tribes soon came into contact with each other.
I'll choose the best of them to make my name, and the tribes will come to listen.
In 1887 the tribe and the federal government came to an agreement under those terms.
And that day, just at sunset, the tribe came to the top of a small rise in the ground.