The tribes constantly competed against each other, profiting at the others' expense, while seeking to maintain their independence.
At the immunity challenge, the tribes competed for Waterproof matches and immunity.
At the same time, tribes have competed for land, privileges and status, leaving them open to manipulation.
Nico would release a ball into the playing field for a runner each tribe to compete for it.
For the first 20 days, the two tribes competed against each other in reward and immunity challenges.
For the first half of the game, the two tribes competed against each other in reward challenges and immunity challenges.
In episode 5, both tribes competed in an elimination competition which would lead to players from each tribe being eliminated.
Prior to the merge, tribes compete against each other in challenges.
The tribes then competed in the Immunity Challenge, the first endurance challenge of the season.
For the first half of the game, the tribes compete against each other in challenges.