They were likely absorbed by a Siouan-speaking tribe of the area, but historians do not know for sure.
The main tribe of the area is the Awan of ancient repute.
For a long time, the Miskito considered themselves superior to other indigenous tribes of the area, whom they referred to as "wild".
Initially the native tribes of the area were friendly towards the settlers while still at war with one another.
The area of Albany had been given different names by the various native tribes of the area.
Perhaps most intriguing were the direct parallels between the site, referred to as Kuhikugu, and tribes of the area.
The Satti are the main tribe of the area.
He gathered together the ancient tribes of the area under the name Consorani.
The major tribe of the area is Turk.
The primitive tribes of the area were quickly overpowered by the European armies.