I'm referring to the period before their conversion to Islam, when the Arabian tribes were still practicing idolatry.
By Neolithic times, the tribes living in what is now the Yellow River valley were practicing agriculture.
In addition, both tribes practiced adopting young captives from warfare into their tribes and assimilating them as full tribal members.
Some tribes practiced polygamy with the aim of increasing the number of offspring.
It is still debated why many Polynesian tribes or nations practiced cannibalism.
Certain tribes of Native Americans practiced scalping, in some instances up until the end of the 19th century.
These tribes practiced a mixture of Islam and Animism beliefs.
Almost every tribe except the Yami (Tao) practiced headhunting.
These tribes practiced a mixture of Islam, Hinduism and native Animist beliefs.
Many Native tribes in North America practiced about zero sutainability.