In times past the clans of these two tribes raided back and forth.
If every tribe who lost women to the Treemen promptly went out and raided its neighbors, the tribes would soon be fighting seriously.
Once they acquired muskets, these tribes saw off Ngapuhi, but also raided further south in their turn.
Bandits roam the land, foreign tribes raid the provinces, plagues are rife and the population is much smaller, less productive and individually shorter-lived.
Of course, the tribes often raid each other's villages to capture men to sell as slaves.
His tribe of trolls raided a human village.
The other tribes had primarily raided for plunder, but the Comanche introduced a new level of violence to the conflict.
They appeared after either the Arab conquests, or much later when Turkish tribes raided Anatolia from the east.
In the East, the Goths and other tribes from modern Ukraine raided in great numbers over the Black Sea.
Indian tribes loyal to the French because of their long trading history raided pioneer settlements in western Pennsylvania.