After this, all Muslim tribes of Karabakh recognized Panahali khan's power.
The negotiations were successful and in exchange for compensation, the tribes recognized the American ownership of the tract.
After centuries of effective autonomy, the tribes barely recognize the frontier drawn by the British colonial rulers of India in the 19th century.
In Native American culture, the "berdache" tradition permitted the marriage of one man to another, and some tribes recognized a similar right for two women.
However, about 20 states have recognized Native American tribes outside of federal processes.
A stocky figure stepped to view; above his broad shoulders was a pug-nosed face that Hugh and his whole tribe recognized.
Tukanoan tribes also recognise the complex pheromonal system of chemical communication that deer and other animals use.
(Federally recognized tribes may have water rights, but non-federally recognized Indian tribes generally do not.)
"The tribes recognize their long-range well-being rests on having clean games," Mr. Doyle said.
I think the tribe recognized him as a shaman before they adopted him.