All tribes are residing with in brother hood with each other.
It has been estimated that the tribe resided on the banks of the Daintree river for over 9,000 years.
No ancient tribes had ever resided in El Dorado, of course.
Examples of restricted exchange are found in some tribes residing in Amazonia.
The main tribes residing in the area include the Ghauri and the Lodhra.
There are still some uncontacted tribes residing in the Amazon Rainforest.
Two Indian tribes resided in North Georgia in the 16th century.
It is the home to the Warfalla tribe, the only city in which only one tribe resides.
The tribe resided near Waddell Creek (which runs from east to west) until sometime in the mid 19th century.
He was instrumental in pacifying the indigenous tribes residing within and around the border of Shu-Han.