Tecumseh was killed, and shortly after the battle, most tribes of his confederacy surrendered to Harrison at Detroit.
These vengeful tribes will not settle unless the tribe of the person who committed the misdemeanor will surrender or will be killed.
"On the Internet I read how your tribe never surrendered, not ever," a 12-year-old boy named Fry tells Sammy.
Through a series of treaties, native tribes had surrendered title to large areas of land.
In addition, the tribe also surrendered a village named Kutub-Kot to the Baba which the latter made the centre of his religious activities.
Without a chance to graze their livestock and faced with a disappearance of the great buffalo herds, the tribes eventually surrendered.
The central Prussian tribes surrendered to the crusaders by 1277.
Caesar continued his advance and tribes surrendered one by one.
On the Internet I read how your tribe never surrendered, not ever.
Epidemics of smallpox, malaria, and measles reduced the Clackamas population to 88 by 1851, and in 1855 the tribe surrendered its lands.