Raven, a devious trickster spirit from Native American mythology, he serves as the antagonist of Natsilane.
Rudy, frustrated with his job and inspired by his encounter with Iktomi, a Lakota trickster spirit, becomes a closet vigilante.
Although the film never comes out and says it, Arthur is actually an Indian trickster spirit conjured into human form by Peter's anger.
The stories generally, but not always, revolve around Kwaku Ananse, a trickster spirit, often depicted as a spider, human, or a combination thereof.
In "colored girls," the disenfranchised heard a voice they could recognize, one that combined the trickster spirit of Richard Pryor with a kind of mournful blues.
With the help of Talky Tawny, a trickster spirit who changes into various forms but prefers being a tiger when convenient, the siblings learn they are related.
Among some Native Americans, such as the Creek, Cherokee and Apache, the bat is a trickster spirit.
He greets the flora and fauna and rejoices in solitude and listens for Coyote, the Indian trickster spirit of the wilderness.
Wemicus is a trickster spirit.
Azeban is a lower-level trickster spirit in Abenaki mythology.