The Speaker left the tip of the stone needle, and General Smith climbed up, negotiating a tricky passage around the other.
It's a tricky passage through the pinnacles in the dark, and the path down the escarpment is not easily found.
But for Gyor and other commercial hubs on the western frontier of the new Europe, integration could prove to be a tricky passage.
A flutist is seen working at home on a tricky passage from the finale of the "Eroica."
Of course, few sopranos can make the original Italian clear in this tricky passage.
Even when we stop, there's no rest, Picard thought as he waited his turn to negotiate one of the trickier passages.
Mr. Kay said that in some tricky passages, like the movement called "Lost," the players have to conduct one another from their seats.
In any event, she was busy enough picking out the beacons as she made the tricky passage between the reefs.
There was also a 12-bar blues with tricky 16th-note passages and wide melodic leaps, to be played "slow and soulful."
At the time, scordatura tuning was used to produce special effects and execute tricky passages.