It is especially difficult to understand on a day like today, with temperatures approaching 100 degrees and tricky winds playing havoc with an archer's arrow.
A tricky wind was blowing on to the anchorage and what with snakes and the prospect of getting wet I lay off for lunch.
Maybe not by design, could have been tricky winds.
Sunday figured to be challenging for everyone, with the forecast calling for tricky winds and afternoon temperatures reaching only the high 50's.
It's not only tricky winds and tides that have forced ships under, making these waters for years among the most dangerous in the Americas.
There seem to be some tricky winds down close to the ground.
There's a tricky wind starting up.
"That 17th was playing sneaky hard," Nelson said of the tricky winds blowing at the 184-yard hole.
It was the most challenging day of the tournament, with tricky winds and the difficulty of the course forcing all the contenders into mistakes.
We still haven't got all the altitude we want, and mountains can give you some tricky winds.