First there was the news revealed in this newspaper that HSBC has changed gear on its triennial review of its geographical strategy and is seriously looking at quitting London.
The Government has also published today a checklist to support departments and public bodies in implementing reform and a summary of the new proposed approach to triennial reviews of public bodies.
This document explains how the triennial review of High Speed 2 (HS2) Ltd was undertaken, and its findings.
With triennial reviews, this guided development of the City for twenty years, and a similar planning process has continued.
Before A-day, individuals could vary withdrawals between 35% and 100% of a maximum limit, recalculated every three years at what was known as the triennial review.
Such is the industry's turmoil that several influential analysts are predicting that the F.C.C. will effectively end UNE-P as a business model during the commission's second triennial review of the Telecommunications Act this winter.
(B) whether the grantee has any unresolved deficiencies found during the last triennial review under section 641A(c).
We subsequently have to discuss some important issues, which will be taken up during the triennial review of the Financial Regulation.
HS2 Ltd triennial review 2011 The approach to and findings of the triennial review of High Speed 2 (HS2) Ltd.
In 2007/08 the Financial Ombudsman Service was the subject of a second triennial review - by Lord Hunt, the terms of reference of which were set by the non-executive board of the Financial Ombudsman Service.