Family therapy can help others learn how not to trigger anorexic behavior.
Anything below this target is regarded as a loss and triggers risk-seeking behavior in an attempt to break even.
In some, like Tlalok and the female, it triggered deep-seated instinctual behavior.
When these are damaged in a Vulcan, they may trigger violent psychotic behavior.
There is a less benign theory, too, which is that the stroke has in some way triggered unreserved behavior.
Birthday parties often trigger aggressive behavior among children under the age of 7 or 8.
An example being, molestation in the home of a child may trigger similar behavior by him as an adult.
Try to identify any actions, words, or situations that may "trigger" inappropriate or dangerous behavior.
Even when inadvertent, this may trigger aggressive behavior in some animals.
Maybe my touch triggered new behavior in the sentinel.