Kok later showed the video to some other MPs, triggering shock and outrage.
This triggered outrage from feminist organisations, women in general, and the opposition.
The acts stripped Massachusetts of self government and historic rights, triggering outrage and resistance in the Thirteen Colonies.
Lt. Goldberg, a bombardier, enters with photographs identifying the target struck in error, the revelation of the mistake triggering shock and outrage in the others.
This triggered immediate outrage, not only from the Labor Party but also the executive of the Liberal party.
Furthermore, Petković caused controversy ahead of the tournament when he named his son Dušan in the final squad, a move that triggered widespread outrage and condemnation.
But it also triggered outrage in Europe that there would be no British decision for another year.
The decision triggered outrage that continues unabated, and some have argued that the demotion given science a black eye from the public's perspective.
The thing that triggered all the wisecracks and outrage?
The press reports on Gomez plight triggered widespread moral outrage within the Malaysian public.