But the trip also coincides with considerable anxiety among Asian strategic planners.
That trip coincided with a gift from Ansel's father, a Brownie camera.
Their trip, which took 38 hours instead of the normal 22, coincided with 60ft waves and the worst North Sea gales for almost a century.
However, his trip coincided with actions by Congress to trim the budgets for those very projects.
Check the event calendar to see if your trip coincides with one of the many educational events offered on the weekend.
The trip happily coincided with her spring break from school.
The trip coincided with the Liberty Lines bus strike.
The trip coincides with the release of the unemployment report for June, which is expected to show fairly strong job creation.
And a battle it became because our trip coincided with school vacations, a peak week for Disney World visitors.
Aides said he wanted to ensure that his trip would coincide with an end to the fighting.