The trip would result in Hall playing Australian Football for the first time at 20 years of age.
Last week's trip to Atlanta resulted in two losses in three games.
More than most vacations, then, her trips to the mall resulted in a form of personal transformation.
This trip resulted in 49 poems and almost 3,000 new lines of verse.
This trip resulted in the discovery of almost 300 poems at just over 13,000 verses.
Luning's trip resulted in his death on September 26 while he was riding through the mountains with friends.
They also require that all school sponsored trips not result in a reduction of a person's grade or extra work for the student.
However, research on consumer behavior revealed that most trips to the grocery store did not result in visits to surrounding shops.
They'd promised that their trip out would result in warm clothes for her and the return of her car, one way or another.
A trip to London resulted in a number of Impressionistic paintings.