The temple is a tripartite structure: consisting of a porch, hall and adytum, it's overall dimensions are 45 x 36 ft.
Due to their tripartite structure, they are often referred to as "trigrams" in English.
The rationale behind the tripartite structure is creation of free and open debate among governments and social partners.
Ironically, though moved by class interests, the bourgeoisie destroyed the unitary myth and its tripartite structure to its own detriment.
The tripartite structure of the narrative represents an interpretation of history in terms of the Trinity.
Mr. Bolaño has given his novel an odd tripartite structure.
The synaptonemal complex is a tripartite structure consisting of two parallel lateral regions and a central element.
He points out that it is debatable whether or not Josephus' canon had a tripartite structure.
Thus, as Brewer et al (1988:16) point out, the tripartite structure is actually a bipartite system of control.
And he proposed its tripartite structure composed of advertisers, advertising agencies and the media and their representatives.