His wife slept beside him, her hysteria drowned in a triple dose of phenobarbital.
People didn't hear things after a triple dose of bullets.
There is prestige, exposure and tickets to the game, but also a triple dose of pressure if a coach scowls at a grim diagnosis.
When the old lawyer succumbed to the triple dose, the servant would be the man to take the blame.
"And, since they apparently loaded it by volume, you were getting a triple dose."
Single doses, double doses, even once a triple dose.
He wouldn't take it well either if he'd been given a triple dose.
He would take a triple dose of his cough syrup before heading for the zeppelin.
"You do realize," I said, "that this will be the first time anyone's had a triple dose?"
With a triple dose they're so far gone they don't feel a thing.