Come, sit beside me and I will tell you of an adventure I had on a planet circling a triple sun.
In all Xiccarph, and in the five outer planets of the triple suns, there is no one, there is nothing, to dispute my domination.
Some might be closely orbiting any one of the triple suns.
The triple suns of his world had seemed to align themselves with diabolical accuracy to beat down mercilessly into this deep crack in the planet's crust.
A manifestation of the triple suns?
The early notion that double or triple suns would not have planets because of their irregularity had been an erroneous estimate, fortunately.
Kyle looked up at Mother's freshly repaired hull, which was now reflecting the reddish light of the triple suns of Hronosium.
The mighty planet Psychlo, "king of the galaxies," basked beneath the forceful rays of triple suns.
- One grew accustomed to the light of triple suns, to multiple shadows and the brightness of interior scenes.
There I sought, and believed I found, the patch of glow that drowns out from sight of Earth the triple sun called Anubelea.