The harp sang forth his delight in a series of triumphant chords as Tallesin walked into the Tor.
As if an unseen hand had plucked a triumphant chord, the last strain of a joyous song that swelled the heart to hear it.
Bear played some triumphant chords and grinned.
With a happy sigh she relaxed into her hammock and gave herself up to the symphony's triumphant chords.
La Paloma had just finished with a triumphant chord, and the guitar pranced off on an entirely different rhythm.
The music rose to a final, crashing, triumphant chord; then it stopped.
She struck a chord on the gitar, a triumphant, incredible chord, and then modulated it, thinking how undisciplined that musical reaction had been.
The piece then leads into a heroic, powerful warrior march, whose valiant and triumphant chords are backed by powerful cascades of ostinato octaves in the bass.
At last they cried out together as the biwa sounded a triumphant chord.
As in many other Genesis songs, the music shifts from minor keys to triumphant major chords for its bleakest tidings.