The Democrats are in a triumphant mood because they have forced Mr. Pataki to make the tax cut more progressive.
His Lordship, who was in an excitedly triumphant mood, snapped the watch lid shut.
When I went to visit Holbrooke in his office a few days after the agreement was reached, he was in a triumphant mood.
The handshake was cordial, but Hingis made it clear that she wants to be in a more triumphant mood the next time they meet at the net.
It is clear you leaped upon this Jennison with vigorous and triumphant mood of heart.
Otherwise, General Tolj was in a triumphant mood.
Her triumphant mood didn't last long.
Despite the tour's triumphant mood, there were occasional reminders of some of the city's lingering problems.
Today he too was in a triumphant mood.
I was in a wild and triumphant mood.