Egyptian images and symbols also served for more trivial purposes, such as dessert services, furniture, decoration, commercial kitsch or even advertising.
The word, after all, has been co-opted by all kinds of people who have bowdlerized it, along with once precise terms like "holistic" and "paradigm," for trivial purposes.
The powers of the wind and fire were never meant for the trivial purposes to which you put them!
Indeed, an artist who made a glow-in-the-dark rabbit a few years ago as an artwork attracted criticism for undermining the dignity of life for trivial purposes.
But New York has wasted its influence on trivial or short-sighted purposes.
The Powers bent space to enlarge their homes, to save themselves long walks between scattered outposts, and for any number of other trivial purposes.
He could see their point; they had spent many years honing their craft, and they felt that it should never be used for trivial purposes.
Or for the trivial purposes of cosmetic surgery.
Today, computerized data are generated by the ream and serve, for the most part, only trivial purposes.
He would never come to her home for a trivial purpose.