She could not bear the claustrophobia of the place, which magnified the smallest incidents or most trivial remarks into giant horrors.
While the poem appears on the surface to be a trivial remark, she had no hope of Ōe no Tamemoto ever returning; thus this poem is an unsaid goodbye.
Ms. Leaming's biography, occasionally marred by her bedazzlement with Welles - she tended to quote trivial remarks as gems - left room for a more detached account.
After one or two trivial remarks, to which I sullenly replied, he suddenly cried, looking at the bust, "I am called like that victor!
This apparently trivial remark is used in almost every proof of lower bounds for Diophantine approximations, even the most sophisticated ones.
The old man made this trivial remark, thinking it better not to respond at all to Adam's agitation: he would gather, in an indirect way, that there was nothing decisive to communicate at present.
Some trivial happening, some trivial remark there must be which would be a pointer!
She had brought up enough trivial questions, dropped a sufficient number of trivial remarks, to pick up the threads that she had left.
At the core of it all lay a trivial remark - an offhand comment that the younger man's wife was like her mother, idle.
To think that one could be comforted, that one could find human warmth in a trivial remark about a pair of shoes!