With them, we are limited to trivial topic - Art, Literature, Politics, and so forth.
It was frustrating of him to remain silent for long stretches of time and when he did speak it was on some trivial topic.
Sometimes he talked rationally, but always on trivial topics.
The crowns - in person or later through envoys - had discussed and argued for two months over topics trivial and substantial.
"The Charlatan" was accused of covering trivial topics and of publishing error-prone articles concerning student-run bodies that sometimes required retractions or issue corrections.
Despite its being an apparently trivial topic, some people hold strong opinions on the matter.
EDMs can be tabled on matters ranging from trivial or humorous topics to those of great importance.
Maybe what Steven Levitt really wants is to graduate from his "silly" and "trivial" and "shallow" topics.
During the scene, they discuss the wedding, the bridesmaids' dresses, the bride's new hat, what to do at their destination, and other apparently trivial topics.
He forced himself to smile at Rose, to talk cheerfully about trivial topics.