The siblings agree to stop this, and send troops to ambush the king.
In preparation for the inevitable Japanese retreat, the Chinese prepared troops to ambush the Japanese on the way.
Bolivian troops ambushed a garrison of Peruvian guards in a battle at the disputed border region at Guayabal.
During the demonstration, Egyptian troops hidden in the bushes ambushed a returning Frankish force which had been in Galilee.
Forty-one Spanish troops and their small cannon ambushed the northern tribes as they returned to East Texas.
Chinese and North Korean troops ambushed an American convoy near Pyongyang, killing at least eighty and taking many prisoners.
Iraqi troops ambushed her supply convoy when it took a wrong turn.
Seeking to burn the county courthouse, the attackers were repulsed when local troops ambushed their column as they entered the town.
Her troops ambushed Chinese convoys and destroyed their camps, but were gradually defeated.
At sunrise, Iraqi troops ambushed the lost soldiers, firing from both sides of the highway.