One former militia intelligence officer, cooking supper on a hot plate, noted that Israeli troops had completed their pullout without a single casualty.
General Wayne's troops had completed the main buildings in the cantonment area by December of 1792.
George St.Clair led the first group to complete the hike that summer, and two more troops completed the trek that year.
There's no way to know when the troops will have completed their mission.
The troops completed this mission, capturing several slavers and hindering the trade.
Our troops have now completed their withdrawal and only armed police to prevent looting are left in the capital.
The Russian troops are completing the encirclement of the city.
On 21 January 2009, Israeli troops completed their pullout from the Gaza Strip.
Joaz and his troops complete the rout and capture the ship.
Russian troops completed their withdrawal from the Chechen Republic on June 8.