The situation got worse when in August 1915 the Austro-German troops conquered the western part of the country.
In the counter-attack that followed his troops conquered a large section of the Jezreel Valley.
In 1916 Belgian troops conquered the area during the First World War.
When German troops had conquered Lviv, many people hastened to the prison in the hope of finding their relatives.
In the war of 1808-1809, Russian troops conquered Finland.
The troops of Ferrara conquered 15 galleys and a number of other ships.
What kind of general sits quailing in his castle after his troops have conquered the enemy?
By August 10, his troops conquered the border town of Bukavu and had grown considerably in number.
Nevertheless, imperial troops conquered the County of Glatz in 1622.
Franco's troops conquered Catalonia in a whirlwind campaign during the first two months of 1939.