Soerabaja was being evacuated while Japanese troops were rapidly converging on Bandoeng from both the north and the west.
In March when a pro-Yeltsin rally was scheduled, 50,000 troops converged on Moscow to prevent it.
Cruz stayed out of reach, the general commanding his troops as John and Michael converged on his flanks in a coinciding rush.
Soon afterward, the 2,500 troops from the state militia converged on the Mormon headquarters at Far West.
He had problems of his own, that early morning, as the troops converged.
The Prophet's troops are converging on the Meeting lands from several directions.
The Abbasid troops then converged upon Ancyra, which they found abandoned.
"All troops converge on my signal immediately!"
Viljoen's commando still remained to the north, and the British troops, pouring in from every side, converged rapidly upon it.
Typically, gang members ride the trains into Manhattan, converge at one of the busy subway transfer stations and troop to a school.