The British troops could not defeat him in open battle.
Each time the insurgents were later defeated by Spanish troops.
In 586, his troops defeated them at a major battle south of Dara.
His men were defeated by federal troops in the open land around the town but retreated into the mountains, where they continued as guerrillas.
At 4:00 am, troops from five divisions moved into the downtown area and within 90 minutes defeated the civil militias.
Before Aydindril can send troops to find and defeat these men, many will die.
Few weeks later they were defeated by legalist troops.
In 1806 our troops landed, defeated the local forces, and took possession of Cape Town.
Theodosius received them, but started to gather troops to defeat Eugenius.
He is defeated by imperial troops in 1621 and then besieges the town from 1621 to 1622.