Immediately after the fall of the city, Japanese troops embarked on a determined search for former soldiers, in which thousands of young men were captured.
It was ordered that the troops should embark at midnight for an expedition.
At the beginning of the opera, Cortez persuades his mutinous troops not to embark for home.
The troops embarked in transports that night.
Andrew and his troops embarked on 23 August 1217, in Spalato.
Drills were conducted which found the French troops could embark and disembark from the ships in just seven minutes.
As we waited in the tavern, Sir Guy's troops were slowly embarking from the Battery.
The expedition was soon afterwards abandoned and the troops embarked for England.
Fifty French troops and the royal gunner Hans Cochrane embarked.
The troops will embark tomorrow evening, by which time you should have let them know in which ships they are embarking.