"Those few troops that managed to survive the thrashing are being chased and destroyed by the heroic Ethiopian forces as they run for their lives."
Vashik's troops were caught in a pool of molten magma and destroyed.
Another failure was in intelligence as the Soviet partisan troops that had been sent to Estonia were destroyed.
With both armies present, Renaud's troops were nearly surrounded and were destroyed.
He was 17 years old when his entire troop was destroyed after a battle with the phantoms, leaving him as the only survivor.
If the British armored drive was held up or failed to move fast enough, the airborne troops would inevitably be overrun and destroyed.
Nearly 300 young American marines and French troops are destroyed in an instant.
The Southern Department was also the only one in which the troops assigned were destroyed twice.
His troops were outgunned and eventually destroyed, but they inspired further resistance.
Near Israel, troops massing on the borders are being massively firebombed and destroyed.