Putnam discovered the general placement of the British troop locations and recognized the danger to the army and its supplies.
In the capital, Kuwaiti resistance fighters secretly slipped out valuable information to the allied armies on Iraqi troop locations in the city.
Two others arrived during the course of the day and dealt with the bridge, troop locations and a request for air support.
The official also said that one senior Communist Party cadre in the headquarters was arrested recently for giving information about troop locations to student demonstrators.
All the while, she carefully kept track of N U E troop locations and their operational orders.
The Swift story bears no resemblance to security breaches, like disclosure of troop locations, that would clearly compromise the immediate safety of specific individuals.
At one of the unit's six troop locations, in Pelham Bay Park, police cadets simulate demonstrations with banners flying and people shouting.
Several roadside signs in the vicinity of the interchange mark various troop locations.
Details on troop locations and potentially dangerous substances encountered will also be available.
"You could disguise troop locations by placing them in areas which produced matching infrared heat."