The Government then sent troops and provincial policemen to oust them.
Panama's President-elect, a stalwart in the political party that Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega controlled until American troops ousted him in 1989, is suddenly the darling of official Washington.
The Khmer Rouge were responsible for the deaths of one million Cambodians during a four-year reign of terror that ended when Vietnamese troops ousted them from power in 1979.
In 1707, after a long siege in which Rinaldo took part, German troops ousted the French from his capital.
A9 The Afghan leader's troops ousted a rival from the capital.
The Government sent troops and provincial policemen to oust the guerrillas.
Romanian troops ousted Béla Kun and his communist government during the Hungarian-Romanian War of 1919.
On September 5, 1494, it was captured by the Aragonese, but three days later 2,500 Swiss troops ousted them.
As he grew older Mir Jafar was gradually less able to rule the state, and in 1760 British troops ousted him from power and replaced him with Mir Qasim.
Less than seven years ago, American troops invaded Panama and ousted Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega and the drug-dealing army that he commanded.