Vietnam said today that its troops had repulsed a Chinese border attack.
The Spanish troops held steady and repulsed the attack of the first brigade, then counterattacked and defeated both brigades.
August 12 - Battle of Haelen: Belgian troops repulse the Germans.
Iraq countered by saying that its troops had repulsed an attack by two Iranian divisions near Basra on the southern front.
Almonte's journal reported that there was an engagement after dark on March 3, but that the Mexican troops had repulsed the assault.
The defending troops repulsed the first attack but were forced back by the weight of the onslaught.
The three troops halted in front of the battery and repulsed a German counter-attack just after they had been replenished with much-needed food and ammunition.
During the battle, his troops repulsed a powerful Union attack.
Iraq said that its troops repulsed the Iranian offensive in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Mazepa began to gather troops to repulse the Tatars and appealed to the Russia for help.