The battle in Ubaydi began at dawn, as the American-led troops streamed in from the desert and through rocky scrubland on the outskirts.
As troops of the 92nd Division streamed back, they were ordered to take up positions on the left flank of the Indian positions.
His troops and clankers streamed through the gap.
Confederate troops streamed toward Sharpsburg, their line lost.
Just 24 days later, war erupted in the Far East when North Korean troops streamed south across the 38th parallel into the Republic of Korea.
Muhammad ez Zahir rode under the arch, and the troop streamed after him, their captive in their midst.
On Friday, as 14,000 troops of the First Marine Division streamed north toward Baghdad, Corpsman Smith's ambulance ran into an Iraqi ambush.
Fresh troops streamed from the Rebel camps, without enthusiasm but sufficiently strong to turn our advance.
This they did very well, joining the attack when the fresh troops streamed through their positions.
Japanese troops streamed into China, conquering Peking, Shanghai, and the national capital of Nanking; the last conquest was followed by the Nanking Massacre.