The troop swung into a lope; slowly the hills drew closer and loomed high into the sky.
A troop of medium-sized monkeys swung through the upper storey of the woods, following the caravan and shrieking but never coming dose enough to be seen clearly.
Your troops will swing around from behind our left flank, here, and proceed to hit the enemy the mightiest blow that you can.
The lights dimmed as the troops swung away.
Some troops (like the Royal Swedish Lifeguard) swing with their left arm.
While marching in parade formation, troops swing their legs in unison high off the ground, while keeping their legs straight and unbent.
A troop of howler monkeys swung branch to branch above us, shaking loose softball-sized mangoes and watching in glee as the fruit splashed around us.
While marching together, the troops swing their legs high off the ground, while keeping their knees unbended (so that their legs are straight).
McCulloch's troops swung west on the Ford Road and plowed into elements of the Federal army at a small village named Leetown, where a fierce firefight erupted.