All hotspots are important for conservation biology, especially the tropical Andes with so many endemic species.
How well do Important Bird Areas represent species and minimize conservation conflict in the tropical Andes?
Most species have a geographically and altitudinally restricted distribution in the tropical and subtropical Andes, and other mountain ranges in Brasil, the Guayana Shield, Central America, and México.
"Ted and Al carried two-thirds of the unpublished knowledge of neotropical biodiversity, especially the tropical Andes, in their heads," Mr. Mittermeier said in a statement.
He had just completed a book on the flora of the northern tier of the tropical Andes.
The vast majority of Eleocharis species grow in aquatic or mesic habitats from sea level to higher than 5,000 meters in elevation (in the tropical Andes).
Its range is from Colombia and north-eastern Argentina to Ecuador and Panama; it is also found in the tropical Andes.
Moreover, beautiful landscapes, amazing waterfalls, lagoons, and adventure tourism, such as river rafting and hiking in the tropical Andes, attracts numerous visitors to the "City of Palms".
The receding glaciers of the tropical Andes have formed a number of proglacial lakes, especially in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru, where 70% of all tropical glaciers are.
But it is the tropical Andes that make it such a Darwinian delight - a serious contender for the most biodiverse place on earth.