The back cottages, where we were staying, were situated in a discreetly camouflaged garden full of tropical blooms and birds.
How about the intoxicating aroma of tropical blooms that seemed to surround you on a trip to the islands?
The myriad birds in their brilliant plumage--the gorgeous tropical blooms upon the festooned creepers falling in great loops from the giant trees.
The high winter rainfall sustains a dense canopy of native forest, and the university's botanical gardens are crowded with lush, tropical blooms.
Manicured lawns, tropical blooms, clipped hedges lay to the front with neat tennis courts to the sides.
In this article, we'll examine 10 very unusual flowers, from bizarre tropical blooms that mimic carrion to native North American flesh eaters.
Kendrick wandered tree-shaded paths, his nostrils full of the rich acents of tropical blooms.
She hadn't acknowledged them, or the sweet basket of button-eyed daisies that stood perkily on her bathroom counter, or the vase of stunning tropical blooms that graced the bureau in the bedroom.
There are lush botanical gardens bursting with tropical blooms, a tea plantation, and interior nature trails along mountainsides which reveal hidden treasures, such as the carnivorous Seychelles pitcher plant, vanilla orchid and rare Jellyfish tree.
I was proud of that garden; though Egypt's climate is salubrious, allowing for the cultivation of both tropical and temperate blooms, it had required a great deal of effort to keep the plants irrigated and fed.