We were in a large private compound, enclosed on all sides by either picket fence or walls of riotous tropical growth.
Then again, their size makes them agile and nimble in the dense tropical growth.
A few years and much of the island will be covered by a lush tropical growth.
They passed severalabandoned ruins, overgrown with tropical growth, and reached adilapidated block.
The road is banked with lush tropical growth and offers a few memorable views along the way.
The river narrowed and flowed sluggishly between the banks which were luxuriant with tropical growth.
Dusk was already pulling down the shadows, darkening the tropical growth behind him.
But the backside eases down into the valley and it is here, through the tropical growth, that even the inexperienced climber can make her way.
Herbivory, therefore, appears to play an important role in preventing tropical macroalgal growth.
Hal peered curiously into the dense tropical growth pressing close to the beach.