Gardens contain approximately 2300 recorded tropical and subtropical plantings, representing some 1200 species, 620 genera, and 165 plant families.
The colony was extensively landscaped with exotic tropical plantings.
Geraldine Kederich, who cares for pets in the surrounding apartments, is drawn to the lush tropical plantings.
The only attractive thing about the place was the tropical plantings, many of which were in bloom.
The property's heart is a former mansion nestled among tropical plantings and waterfalls.
The houses were nearly invisible behind lush tropical plantings.
"Pretty fancy place," Harrow said, looking around at the lush tropical planting.
M. ornata is one of several banana species grown as ornamental plants for their handsome foliage, for instance in mixed tropical plantings.
He did not see the tons of scaffolding or concrete blocks, but instead manicured lawns interspersed with narrow paths winding through lush tropical planting.
They can be used in herbaceous borders, tropical plantings, and as a patio or decking plant.