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And all the while the devilish noise, echoing from thousands of stone buildings, went on and on and on, like a tropical rainstorm.
Heated to 84F, it boasts flume rides, a wave machine and tropical rainstorms.
It set an all-time record-high flood level on December 3, 2007 when an intense tropical rainstorm moved in following several inches of snow from the day prior.
Its facing was now cracked and spackled by time, heat, and the occasional fusillade of a tropical rainstorm.
In spite of the overpowering heat and unpredictable tropical rainstorms that beset Vera Cruz, several Europeans remained.
Thunder, lightning, a tropical rainstorm, and moving into the heart of a hurricane.
She had come ashore on Grenada in a tropical rainstorm at 10.00 one November morning.
Sometimes he has to wait an entire day for tropical rainstorms to pass.
The sound and light effects include animal calls and a simulated tropical rainstorm.
There is also a sequence of an animal using a large leaf as an umbrella in a tropical rainstorm.